7 feb 2009

Facebook Auto-Colorizer

Mozilla Firefox

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Use Firefox 2. Install Grease Monkey 3. Restart Firefox 4. Start up Facebook Auto-Colorizer 5. Share with Friends

Actual Screen Shots

Feel free to reuse images when talking about Facebook Auto-Colorizer

Script made entirely by Justin Ormont.
Installed 8421 times - 03/12/07. Installed 8953 times - 03/14/07. Installed 9213 times - 03/18/07. Installed 9973 times - 03/29/07. Installed 17446 times - 10/02/07. Installed 17527 times - 10/05/07. Installed 18503 times - 11/07/07. Installed 19297 times - 12/05/07. Installed 22093 times - 02/26/08. Installed 24144 times - 03/27/08. Installed 24520 times - 04/02/08. Installed 31971 times - 07/31/08. Installed 36811 times - 08/28/08. Installed 38303 times - 11/17/08. Installed 57334 times - 01/06/09.
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2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  2. so nice but I couldn't open my facebook inbox and I was given a warning message from FB Team. What's going on? Do you know? :( Thank's


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